When you sell real estate for a living, you know all too well the competition you oftentimes go up against.
With so many Realtors trying to get the big sale time and time again, you feel as if you’re on call 24/7. Although the stress is not that of a doctor or some others, real estate can prove stressful.
That said there are ways you can increase your chances of selling more properties over time. In doing so, you will open doors you may have never imagined.
Use the Web to Bring in More Sales
So that you can open more doors to selling, keep a couple of keys in mind:
1. Website
How often you update your company’s real estate website can have an impact on your ability to sell.
If you only do periodic updates, there is a good chance that your site is failing you on at least two fronts.
First, potential buyers and renters coming to your site don’t get the latest market info. As a result, they can’t always make a wise decision when it comes to the next property they may have interest in.
On another front, your site is not going to rank well with Google and other such searches. With a low ranking, many of your competitors could rank ahead of you. When this happens, they come up first when consumers go looking for real estate tidbits.
Do your best to give as much attention as possible to your website on a regular basis.
This allows you to have a marketing resource available to you 24/7/365. In turn, many consumers are likely to pay you a visit.
2. Social Media
Along with a strong website, one can’t overlook how important social networking is.
If hoping to promote luxury apartments in Gold Coast, have the right connections.
With that in mind, are you active on sites such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook? If the answer is no, this needs to change as soon as possible.
Even if you only focus on one such site for now, that is better than having no social networking presence.
Although each of the mentioned sites are good, many find Instagram to their liking
Once you’ve uploaded properties on Instagram, you can engage potential buyers.
Make sure that you leave an area for them to comment on some of the properties they view. In doing so, you want to follow up and respond to their comments and questions. This is a great way to open up dialogue.
Last, take a look at what your competitors are doing on their social feeds over time.
While you do not want to copy their actions, you should know what you are up against. If they are doing one or more things you’re not, consider trying a similar approach.
The last thing you need is your competition beating you on social media.
Going forward, are you selling the Internet in your real estate properties Down Under?